a stranger on facebook and youtube who i fb-friend and yt-follow has shared the story of her experience with grandma who had a massive 99% debilitating stroke recently and her advocacy and frustration with the health care system and without getting into further detail or introductory fanfare, it inspired this comment...
your experience with your grandma is very personal for me and i just want to thank you somewhat personally here (as personal as strangers on the internet get i suppose) as i am not looking to bring people who know me down with a public comment simply stating the fact that what happened to your grandma will likely happen to me someday and i can only hope i luck out with the kind of care i will receive, but more likely i will either just be found dead or i will rot (and be abused or neglected) in some people warehouse we call public hospitals or public nursing homes... i've worked hospitals all through this life and know the reality... simply, i have no family or anyone close... your grandma is blessed to have you and you are blessed to have family... the point of this message (for me) is to let you know because you might understand and somewhere inside the hope that someone might understand inspires my smile, but even more, to thank you for sharing your story and your grandma because that also gives me hope that love and family are real and maybe even still possible for me (sounds so pathetically emo and depressing... apologies for you do not know me well enough to know i am not depressed over the aloneness in this life i experience, just sad sometimes and still hopeful)... so thank you, seriously, thank you more than words can say :)
and holy crap what a flood of videos and comments and babbling followed that was not even recorded for blog entries but some of which can be found in sites i saw... you are now returned to your regularly scheduled stuff...